API Documentation
To access the API you first need to create an account. Once you have an account, you can generate an API key from the page in your account.
Once you have the API key you can make a request to any of the methods listed below that your key has permission for.
The API is rated limited to 600 requests per minute for most requests, or 200 requests per minute for bulk/batch.
request the key and any parameters should be added as parameters onto the request, for example https://api.brickowl.com/v1/order/view?key=KEY&order_id=100.
requests, the key and any parameters should be in the body of the request and have a content type of application/x-www-form-urlencoded
If you are making a tool, it may be helpful to know that you can access any item in the catalog with the URL format https://www.brickowl.com/boid/BOIDHERE.
Affiliate Stores
This API is for use by our affiliate partners, stores that have opted in can have their details retrieved through this API
GET https://api.brickowl.com/v1/affiliate/stores
Get a list of all the stores that have opted in to your affiliate scheme
GET https://api.brickowl.com/v1/affiliate/lots
Retrieve the stores lots
- store_id - The stores unique ID
type (Optional)
- Filter by item type
- Part
- Set
- Minifigure
- Gear
- Sticker
- Minibuild
- Instructions
- Packaging
Lots by ID
GET https://api.brickowl.com/v1/affiliate/item_lots
Retrieve lots for an item identified by an id
type - Filter by item type
- Part
- Set
- Minifigure
- Gear
- Sticker
- Minibuild
- Instructions
- Packaging
- id - ID
- id_type - Specify the ID Type
Batch multiple requests together into one bulk request to save on request overhead
POST https://api.brickowl.com/v1/bulk/batch
Batch up to 50 requests in one go
- requests - JSON Array of endpoints with arguments in the format {"requests": [{"endpoint":"catalog/search","request_method":"GET","params":[{"query":"Vendor"}]}, {"endpoint":"catalog/search","request_method":"GET","params":[{"query":"Laser"}]}]}. Or for POST {"requests": [{"endpoint":"inventory/update","request_method":"POST","params":[{"lot_id":"IDHERE","absolute_quantity":2}]}]}
The catalog API allows you to retrieve information about items in the catalog. To access this API contact us
GET https://api.brickowl.com/v1/catalog/list
Get a list of all the items in the catalog
type (Optional)
- Filter by item type
- Part
- Set
- Minifigure
- Gear
- Sticker
- Minibuild
- Instructions
- Packaging
- brand (Optional) - Filter by brand
GET https://api.brickowl.com/v1/catalog/lookup
Retrieve details about an item in the catalog by BOID
- boid - A BOID
GET https://api.brickowl.com/v1/catalog/availability
Retrieve pricing and availability information for an item in the catalog by BOID
- boid - A BOID
- quantity (Optional) - The minimum quantity required, greater than 0
- country - 2 digit country code for shipping destination
ID Lookup
GET https://api.brickowl.com/v1/catalog/id_lookup
Retrieve the possible BOIDs for another ID such as a set number or design ID
- id - ID
type - Filter by item type
- Part
- Set
- Minifigure
- Gear
- Sticker
- Minibuild
- Instructions
- Packaging
- id_type (Optional) - Filter by ID type. For example, use item_no, design_id, bl_item_no or set_number
GET https://api.brickowl.com/v1/catalog/bulk
Retrieve bulk catalog dumps. This API should only be used when instructed to do so
- type - Bulk type
Lookup (Bulk)
GET https://api.brickowl.com/v1/catalog/bulk_lookup
Retrieve details about multiple items in the catalog at once
- boids - A comma separated list of BOIDs. Maximum amount: 100
GET https://api.brickowl.com/v1/catalog/search
Search, browse and filter the catalog
- query - Your search term. To browse use the term 'All'
- page (Optional) - Page number, usually 1 - 50
- missing_data (Optional) - Missing data filter. You can get the possible values from this query https://www.brickowl.com/search/catalog?query=All&show_missing=1 on the left
GET https://api.brickowl.com/v1/catalog/inventory
Retrieve an items inventory
- boid - BOID
Condition List
GET https://api.brickowl.com/v1/catalog/condition_list
Retrieve a list of the conditions a lot can have
Field Options List
GET https://api.brickowl.com/v1/catalog/field_option_list
Retrieve a list of the options a catalog field can have
type - Field type
- category_0 - Category 0
- eye_color - Eye Color
- eyebrow_color - Eyebrow Color
- facial_expression - Facial Expression
- facial_hair_color - Facial Hair Color
- facial_hair_type - Facial Hair Type
- gender - Gender
- material_type - Material Type
- packaging_type - Packaging Type
- remove_image - Remove Image
- sides_printed - Sides Printed
- sticker_sheet_color - Sticker Sheet Color
- theme_0 - Theme 0
- type - Type
language (Optional)
- Language of the response
- en - English
- fr - French
- de - German
- es - Spanish
- da - Danish
- nl - Dutch
- it - Italian
- bg - Bulgarian
- zh-hans - Chinese
- cs - Czech
- fi - Finnish
- ja - Japanese
- ko - Korean
- nb - Norwegian
- pl - Polish
- sv - Swedish
- uk - Ukrainian
Catalog Cart (Basic)
POST https://api.brickowl.com/v1/catalog/cart_basic
Create a catalog cart using Design IDs and Lego Color IDs and get a total price in the currency of the country. The cart ID can be passed to /catalog_cart_load/ID for a user to access it
- items - JSON structure in the format {"items":[{"design_id":"3034","color_id":21,"qty":"1"},{"design_id":"3004","color_id":23,"qty":"2"}]}
condition - A minimum condition code for the items.
- new - New
- news - New (Sealed)
- newc - New (Complete)
- newi - New (Incomplete)
- usedc - Used (Complete)
- usedi - Used (Incomplete)
- usedn - Used (Like New)
- usedg - Used (Good)
- useda - Used (Acceptable)
- other - Other
- country - 2 digit country code for shipping destination
Color List
GET https://api.brickowl.com/v1/catalog/color_list
Retrieve a list of the colors
Catalog Edit
Submit changes to the catalog
Edit (Basic)
POST https://api.brickowl.com/v1/catalog_edit/basic_edit
Submit a change request for an item. Some fields are item or user specific, all fields will return appropriate error information
- boid - BOID
type - Submission type
- base_name - Base Name (string)
- basic_decoration_description - Basic Decoration Description (string)
- category_0 - Category 0 (option)
- cleaned_lego_name - Cleaned Lego Name (string)
- delete - Delete (binary)
- delete_scheduled - Delete Scheduled (binary)
- description - Description (string)
- eye_color - Eye Color (option)
- eyebrow_color - Eyebrow Color (option)
- facial_expression - Facial Expression (option)
- facial_hair_color - Facial Hair Color (option)
- facial_hair_type - Facial Hair Type (option)
- first_available - First Available (number)
- gender - Gender (option)
- height - Height (number)
- instructions_booklets - Instructions Booklets (number)
- instructions_pages - Instructions Pages (number)
- length - Length (number)
- material_type - Material Type (option)
- packaging_type - Packaging Type (option)
- remove_image - Remove Image (option)
- ship_height - Ship Height (number)
- ship_length - Ship Length (number)
- ship_width - Ship Width (number)
- sides_printed - Sides Printed (option)
- sticker_sheet_color - Sticker Sheet Color (option)
- stud_height - Stud Height (number)
- stud_length - Stud Length (number)
- stud_width - Stud Width (number)
- theme_0 - Theme 0 (option)
- type - Type (option)
- variant_child_assembly_mask - Variant Child Assembly Mask (string)
- variant_child_decoration_mask - Variant Child Decoration Mask (string)
- variant_desc - Variant Desc (string)
- weight - Weight (number)
- width - Width (number)
- value - Submission value
auto_approve (Optional)
- Auto-approve submission if your account has permission
- 0
- 1
POST https://api.brickowl.com/v1/catalog_edit/inventory
Submit a change/create request for the inventory of an item
- parent_boid - Parent item BOID
- child_boid - Child item BOID
- quantity - Quantity of child in parent
- sequence_id (Optional) - Sequence ID, optional, >= 0
auto_approve (Optional)
- Auto-approve submission if your account has permission
- 0
- 1
Create Item
POST https://api.brickowl.com/v1/catalog_edit/create
Submit an item creation request
type - Item type
- Part
- Set
- Minifigure
- Gear
- Sticker
- Minibuild
- Instructions
- Packaging
- name - Item name
auto_approve (Optional)
- Auto-approve submission if your account has permission
- 0
- 1
Edit (File)
POST https://api.brickowl.com/v1/catalog_edit/file
Submit a change request for an item that needs a file
- boid - BOID
type - Submission type
- primary_image - Primary Image
- data - Base64 Encoded raw file data
content_type - Content type of the file
- image/png
- image/x-png
- image/jpeg
- image/jpg
auto_approve (Optional)
- Auto-approve submission if your account has permission
- 0
- 1
Create Taxonomy
POST https://api.brickowl.com/v1/catalog_edit/create_taxonomy
Create a taxonomy such as a category or theme
- name
- description (Optional)
- parent_taxonomy_id (Optional) - ID of the parent taxonomy, for hierarchical structures
taxonomy_type - Taxonomy type
- theme - Theme
- category - Category
auto_approve (Optional)
- Auto-approve submission if your account has permission
- 0
- 1
The collection API allows you to view and update your collection
GET https://api.brickowl.com/v1/collection/lots
Get a list of lots with details
Update Lot
POST https://api.brickowl.com/v1/collection/update
Update a lots data. You must pass at least one update field
- lot_id - Lot ID
- quantity (Optional) - The minimum quantity required, greater than 0
- price (Optional) - The price of the item. It must be a positive number or blank, it will be rounded to 3 digits of precision
- note (Optional) - Note
condition (Optional)
- Condition ID
- new - New
- news - New (Sealed)
- newc - New (Complete)
- newi - New (Incomplete)
- usedc - Used (Complete)
- usedi - Used (Incomplete)
- usedn - Used (Like New)
- usedg - Used (Good)
- useda - Used (Acceptable)
- other - Other
Delete Lot
POST https://api.brickowl.com/v1/collection/delete_lot
Deletes a collection lot
- lot_id - Lot ID
Create Lot
POST https://api.brickowl.com/v1/collection/create_lot
Create a new lot. You must pass an item identifier. Parts need a color
- boid - A BOID
- color_id (Optional) - A Brick Owl color ID. This is required for Parts, optional for Gear and not allowed for other item types
Store Inventory
The store inventory API allows you to download and update your store inventory
GET https://api.brickowl.com/v1/inventory/list
Get a list of your lots with details
type (Optional)
- Filter by item type
- Part
- Set
- Minifigure
- Gear
- Sticker
- Minibuild
- Instructions
- Packaging
- active_only (Optional) - Include only items that are for sale and have a quantity > 0. 0 or 1. Default: 1
- external_id_1 (Optional) - Optional external lot identifier to return one lot
- lot_id (Optional) - Optional Brick Owl lot ID to return one lot
POST https://api.brickowl.com/v1/inventory/update
Update a lots data. You must pass only one identifier and at least one update field
- external_id (Optional) - External lot identifier
- lot_id (Optional) - Brick Owl lot ID
- absolute_quantity (Optional) - The absolute new quantity
- relative_quantity (Optional) - A positive or negative amount to adjust the existing quantity by
- for_sale (Optional) - 0 or 1 specifying if an item should be available for sale or not. This works independently of the quantity field, it is usually used for in stock items that you don't want to sell at the moment
- price (Optional) - The price of the item. It must be a positive number, it will be rounded to 3 digits of precision
- sale_percent (Optional) - The sale percentage of the item. It must be a whole number between -95 and 95
- my_cost (Optional) - The price you paid for the item for your own records. It must be a positive number, it will be rounded to 3 digits of precision
- lot_weight (Optional) - A custom lot weight, set in grams. It must be a positive number, it will be rounded to 3 digits of precision
- personal_note (Optional) - Personal note
- public_note (Optional) - Public note
- bulk_qty (Optional) - Bulk Quantity. A positive number greater than one
- tier_price (Optional) - Tier prices. Maximum of three tier prices, in the following format 'tier1quantity:tier1price,tier2quantity:tier2price,tier3quantity:tier3price'. For example '100:0.05,200:0.04'. To remove tier pricing, use the value 'remove'
condition (Optional)
- Condition ID
- new - New
- news - New (Sealed)
- newc - New (Complete)
- newi - New (Incomplete)
- usedc - Used (Complete)
- usedi - Used (Incomplete)
- usedn - Used (Like New)
- usedg - Used (Good)
- useda - Used (Acceptable)
- other - Other
- update_external_id_1 (Optional) - Change the first external ID associated with the lot
POST https://api.brickowl.com/v1/inventory/delete
Deletes a lot. Please note this will remove the lot from customer carts and quotes
- external_id (Optional) - External lot identifier
- lot_id (Optional) - Brick Owl lot ID
POST https://api.brickowl.com/v1/inventory/create
Create a new lot. You must pass an item identifier. Parts need a color
- boid - A BOID
- color_id (Optional) - A Brick Owl color ID. This is required for Parts, optional for Gear/Minibuild, and not allowed for other item types
- quantity - The quantity of the lot, a whole number greater than zero
- price - The price of the lot. It must be a positive number, it will be rounded to 3 digits of precision
condition - Condition ID
- new - New
- news - New (Sealed)
- newc - New (Complete)
- newi - New (Incomplete)
- usedc - Used (Complete)
- usedi - Used (Incomplete)
- usedn - Used (Like New)
- usedg - Used (Good)
- useda - Used (Acceptable)
- other - Other
- external_id (Optional) - An optional external ID for reference
The invoices API is to retieve information about invoices paid by an account
GET https://api.brickowl.com/v1/invoice/transactions
Retrieve a list of the invoice transactions
- invoice_id - The invoice ID
id_type - Type of invoice ID
- public_invoice_id
- stripe_charge_id
The orders API allows you to download and process your stores orders and orders you have placed in stores
GET https://api.brickowl.com/v1/order/list
Get a list of your orders
status (Optional)
- Order status filter, use the formatted name or the numeric ID
- 0 - Pending
- 1 - Payment Submitted
- 2 - Payment Received
- 3 - Processing
- 4 - Processed
- 5 - Shipped
- 6 - Received
- 7 - On Hold
- 8 - Cancelled
- order_time (Optional) - Unix Timestamp to limit the orders returned to those with a timestamp greater than or equal to the one provided
- limit (Optional) - Limit the amount of results returned. Default 500. Limit 5,000.
list_type (Optional)
- Order list type
- store - Store orders
- customer - Orders you have placed
sort_by (Optional)
- Sorting
- created - Sort by order creation time (default)
- updated - Sort by order update time
GET https://api.brickowl.com/v1/order/view
Retrieve full order details
- order_id - The order ID
GET https://api.brickowl.com/v1/order/items
Retrieve order items
- order_id - The order ID
POST https://api.brickowl.com/v1/order/tracking
Attach a shipping tracking information to the order
- order_id - The order ID
- tracking_id - Tracking ID / URL
POST https://api.brickowl.com/v1/order/note
Edit the seller note on an order
- order_id - The order ID
- note - Seller note
Tax Schemes
GET https://api.brickowl.com/v1/order/tax_schemes
Get a list of possible tax schemes that can be applied to orders
POST https://api.brickowl.com/v1/order/notify
You can set an IP address to be notified instantly when an order is placed via a HTTP request. The request will be placed to http://IP_ADDR:42500/brick_owl_order_notify. You will need to setup an appropriate webserver to receive the request. This service is not guaranteed, so you will also need to check at an interval. The request will contain GET parameters of order_id and store_id. It does not contain order data. To remove the notification, submit an empty string for the ip parameter.
- ip - The IP address to be notified
Leave Feedback
POST https://api.brickowl.com/v1/order/feedback
Leave feedback for an order
- order_id - The order ID
- comment (Optional) - The feedback comment. Maximum of 120 characters long
rating - The feedback rating
- 1 - Positive
- 0 - Neutral
- -1 - Negative
Set Status
POST https://api.brickowl.com/v1/order/set_status
Change the status of the order
- order_id - The order ID
status_id - Order Status ID
- 1 - Payment Submitted
- 2 - Payment Received
- 3 - Processing
- 4 - Processed
- 5 - Shipped
- 6 - Received
- 7 - On Hold
Token (Deprecated)
This is for accessing details about a token
GET https://api.brickowl.com/v1/token/details
Retrieve details about the user who the API key belongs to. This will include store details if they have one
This is for accessing information about the user associated with the API key.
Get Token
POST https://api.brickowl.com/v1/user/get_token
Get a users API token for wishlist edit. This API is only available on request.
- username - Username
- application_name - Application Name
GET https://api.brickowl.com/v1/user/details
Retrieve details about the user who the API key belongs to. This will include store details if they have one
GET https://api.brickowl.com/v1/user/addresses
Retrieve the addresses associated with the user account
The wishlist API allows you to view and update your wishlists
GET https://api.brickowl.com/v1/wishlist/lists
Get a list of your wishlists
GET https://api.brickowl.com/v1/wishlist/lots
Get a list of a specific wishlists lots with details
- wishlist_id - The wishlists unique ID
Update Lot
POST https://api.brickowl.com/v1/wishlist/update
Update a lots data. You must pass at least one update field
- wishlist_id - The wishlists unique ID
- lot_id - Wishlist lot ID
- minimum_quantity (Optional) - The minimum quantity required, greater than 0
- maximum_price (Optional) - The price of the item. It must be a positive number or blank, it will be rounded to 3 digits of precision
- note (Optional) - Note
minimum_condition (Optional)
- Condition ID
- new - New
- news - New (Sealed)
- newc - New (Complete)
- newi - New (Incomplete)
- usedc - Used (Complete)
- usedi - Used (Incomplete)
- usedn - Used (Like New)
- usedg - Used (Good)
- useda - Used (Acceptable)
- other - Other
Delete Lot
POST https://api.brickowl.com/v1/wishlist/delete_lot
Deletes a wishlist lot
- wishlist_id - The wishlists unique ID
- lot_id - Wishlist lot ID
Create List
POST https://api.brickowl.com/v1/wishlist/create_list
Create a new wishlist
- name - A unique name for the wishlist
- description (Optional) - An optional description
Update List
POST https://api.brickowl.com/v1/wishlist/update_list
Update a wishlist
- wishlist_id - The wishlists unique ID
- name - A unique name for the wishlist
Delete List
POST https://api.brickowl.com/v1/wishlist/delete_list
Delete a wishlist
- wishlist_id - The wishlists unique ID
Create Lot
POST https://api.brickowl.com/v1/wishlist/create_lot
Create a new lot. You must pass an item identifier. Parts need a color
- wishlist_id - The wishlists unique ID
- boid - A BOID
- color_id (Optional) - A Brick Owl color ID. This is required for Parts, optional for Gear and not allowed for other item types